I have the air conditioning on, it creeps me out.
I feel really uncomfortable about how preservation obsessed our society is, and I always feel like the air conditioner exemplifies that. I always feel like im in a refrigerator when in a room with AC, as though people are trying to stop the progression of time (and age) by retarding the growth of bacteria.
You know, like the general premise behind refrigerators.
I feel like it fucks with my senses and gives my body a false read on the actual environment.
I know that’s really weird, but its always how I feel. Especially the whole refrigerator-air conditioner comparison. I view refrigerators as the epitome of our culture’s uphill battle against nature. With a refrigerator you can stock pile food for days, weeks, in some cases even months. It gives complete control over your most vital resource, your food source. We as a society have lost hold of only getting enough food for now (and maybe tomorrow) and once that’s eaten, getting some more (not to mention how far we’ve regressed from actually producing the food we eat ourselves). The refrigerator is the essential tool of the society that has ‘progressed’ past the hunter gather stage. It’s the shiny gold star sticker on this third grader’s lapel. We’ve made it. Screw you mother nature, with your seasons and unpredictable fury, on the one hand fey and the other favorable- we don’t need to search for your bounty, we’ve taken matters into our own hands. We’ve cleared your forests and cultivated crops, we’ve created preservatives and additives to keep our spoils from spoiling indefinitely!
If we hadn’t come to this point of control over our food source, none of society as we know it would be possible. This is no new news, I just think about it a lot. Once a society reaches the point where its no longer necessary to follow a food source across the plains or scavenge daily for fresh growing bounty the society can begin to build in one place. Buildings rise, a concept of land ownership develops. And really, everything that our society is most proud of has been produced because people have had the excess time to invent and create. If we were still out hunting for food, we wouldn’t have time to develop all of the useless technology we have today.
I think that is where the majority of our society’s developmental problems come from. I’m referring to the environmental problems, the oil problems, and the poverty/starvation problems. We use resources in a way they were never meant to be used. I don’t necessarily think that humans are meant to have the level of control over their food source that we have. It frees up too much time, allows idle hands to prosper. A concept of ownership deveops, people begin to think they own land when in reality no one does. No one being ever can. Land belongs to all beings and to one, and we’re supposed to share it. Only thing is, humanity has claimed all the land and all the water for itself, and acts as though it is kindly allowing other creatures to take out leases.
This turned into a tangent. I’m going to go turn the air conditioner off.
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