Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Of Sun and Food.

So I'm bathing in the joy of sunlight drifting in through my kitchen window, warm smells of cornbread in the oven, and the question of whether to add dill or rosemary to this week's carrot soup.

This week's farmer's market run included blueberries, strawberries, 5 beautiful heriloom tomatos, 9 lemons, an impressive knob of ginger, 7 fresh carrots (tops still on for soup stock), and, like every week, a bunch of beets. Have i mentioned how much i love beets?

If anyone needs me, I'm stationed in my kitchen basking in the simple pleasure of southern california spring air on my body while i make food for the family.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh Dear.

I re-fall in love with LA on the daily.


1. Modern Art.
2. Classical Art.
3. 24 hour internet connections.
4. Music scene.
5. Good friends.
6. Late nights.
7. LGBTQ scene.
8. Vegan restaurants.
9. Genderqueers walking the streets, checking me out.
10. Me walking the streets, checking genderqueers out.
11. Genderqueers.
12. Tribe Called Quest on the radio.
13. Biggie on the radio, followed by Pac on the radio, followed by Biggie on the Radio.
