Sunday, December 26, 2010

And we return, to our regularly scheduled programming.

It certainly has been a minute, now hasn't it?

Jessie is back in Los Angeles on yet another sojourn home. It's solstice season and the sky drips solid little raindrops onto the waiting soil. A lovely time to be in Southern California, by all accounts, with breaks in the deluge relished through hikes in the foothills of our neighbor mountains.

It's amazing to be back in touch with a computer after near 6 months of no wireless, no broadband, no electricity, and little want for all of it. The sheer accessibility of it all is quite staggering, and I find it needs balancing lest I spin completely into the vortex of this little laptop screen.

Current mission; spend time with loved ones, draft and complete art projects, replenish the bank account, and start the next leg of the journey. What is this leg? Well, it's beginning.

Right now, we are at the start of the beginning. What a lovely place to be.



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