Monday, November 30, 2009


Coming to you straight from Rishikesh, India.

It's lovely out here, not the soggy heat of the south nor the blistering cold of beijing. Quite pleasant, indeed.

I want to give you all exciting descriptions and breath taking views, but i'm a bit at a loss for proper incentive to sit in here on the computer when i could be out there, in the cool night air under the almost ripe moon sitting on the banks of the ganges and breathing the air sweeping down from the himalayas.

you know, you can't really fault me for that.

to give you a short hand account would be cruel, because there are so many beautiful people, experiences, places, and events for me to gloss over them in a summation post. Suffice to say, it's quite vibrant. It's as though you took everyone in town who hangs around in fisherman pants and likes to juggle, introduced them to your yogi friends, and made them open a vegetarian restaurant. Only, make that idea into an entire city. And then place it on the holiest river in hinduism. Then add some monkeys. No, add lots of monkeys.

And make every night a jam under the stars, on the rooftop of the family that took you in.


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