Saturday, January 22, 2011

A moment in time.

I have a gray hair, and each morning that I see it I think, "Hello little one!".

So the sun is shining in lovely Southern California, making evening and morning runs more than possible. I'm on the start of a seven day spring wake-up, shedding some of the aches and creaks left over from winter hibernation. It'll involve a morning run, an evening run, and nothing to eat before 12pm but a lovely tonic broth of ginger, garlic, sage, black lava salt and parsley (with a dash of miso thrown in for good measure).

And of course, moderate mostly raw meals for lunch and dinner. And lots of tea! But thats not new.

How delightful is the cycle of the seasons.

It's also time for me to begin to gear up for the migration up the coast, during which i'm expressing my excitement through the preparation of various art goods. Dream catchers, marmalade, poetry, and sketches that will come up the coast and hopefully find new homes once we get there.

Jessie loves that art.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

What it is.

So the deal is.

The last six months have been spent on an off the grid, organic farm on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Yes it was great. What was it about?

It was about Enoch and I, it was about sacred spaces, it was about living with the land and feeling her breath.

It was about many things. Sleeping in the darkness and waking up at dawn. Footprints in the dirt. Calloused hands and long thorough days.

Individuals to see, day in & day out, who work with the land and care for it, who share that caring with me.

These ideas of community have grown big within me, flavoring all of the other concepts and ideas that i hold dear. At this point I am completely convinced of the necessity of small communities that work together to build and share local resources to keep the planet and our species healthy. Enviornmentally, socially, politically, ecologically, personally. So I am off to live in a small, earth based community to grow my skills and see for myself what the difference can be. What difference can be acheived through the cooperation, skills, knowledge, and care of a small community. Intentional Community/Ecovillage time it is.

The initiation has been completed. This last six month venture has been the step forward into the focus for the next few seasons.

This interim in LA is a quick pause in the movement before we head off on the wind to the Pacific Northwest to work on our skills with a community or farm there.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

And we return, to our regularly scheduled programming.

It certainly has been a minute, now hasn't it?

Jessie is back in Los Angeles on yet another sojourn home. It's solstice season and the sky drips solid little raindrops onto the waiting soil. A lovely time to be in Southern California, by all accounts, with breaks in the deluge relished through hikes in the foothills of our neighbor mountains.

It's amazing to be back in touch with a computer after near 6 months of no wireless, no broadband, no electricity, and little want for all of it. The sheer accessibility of it all is quite staggering, and I find it needs balancing lest I spin completely into the vortex of this little laptop screen.

Current mission; spend time with loved ones, draft and complete art projects, replenish the bank account, and start the next leg of the journey. What is this leg? Well, it's beginning.

Right now, we are at the start of the beginning. What a lovely place to be.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Of Sun and Food.

So I'm bathing in the joy of sunlight drifting in through my kitchen window, warm smells of cornbread in the oven, and the question of whether to add dill or rosemary to this week's carrot soup.

This week's farmer's market run included blueberries, strawberries, 5 beautiful heriloom tomatos, 9 lemons, an impressive knob of ginger, 7 fresh carrots (tops still on for soup stock), and, like every week, a bunch of beets. Have i mentioned how much i love beets?

If anyone needs me, I'm stationed in my kitchen basking in the simple pleasure of southern california spring air on my body while i make food for the family.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh Dear.

I re-fall in love with LA on the daily.


1. Modern Art.
2. Classical Art.
3. 24 hour internet connections.
4. Music scene.
5. Good friends.
6. Late nights.
7. LGBTQ scene.
8. Vegan restaurants.
9. Genderqueers walking the streets, checking me out.
10. Me walking the streets, checking genderqueers out.
11. Genderqueers.
12. Tribe Called Quest on the radio.
13. Biggie on the radio, followed by Pac on the radio, followed by Biggie on the Radio.


Friday, January 29, 2010

One Now, Some Sometimes'

I now spend all of my time in the kitchen, either cooking, cleaning, or sitting at our large drop down wooden ironing board writing.

Sometimes, when i lean over my computer looking for a particular song, i get distracted by 8tracks, proceed to check up on my messages, look at genderfork, remember in a sharp slap of memory which song i wanted and then (to avoid this lengthy process again) end up putting together a playlist- i then become so engrossed that i forget i'm in my kitchen leaning over a chair to look into the monitor. As i stand up and turn around, somehow i find myself thinking that because i've been so distracted all the dishes will be done. I am, thus far, always mistaken.

Sometimes when i drive around LA i feel like i'm in a videogame. This has become more frequent since they put out that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas video game.

Sometimes i wonder if anyone reads this, and if they do, what they (you?) glean from it.

Sometimes I listen to The Fugees.

Sometimes i listen to covers of Radiohead, which i try to locate to put into my blog, only to fail.

