Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three lets go!

So, my internet access is such that I can sign into blogger, blog, and publish, but cannot view my own blog site. Nor can i view the blogs of anyone else who has blogs on blogger. For this reason, if my formatting is horribly off I apologize, leave me a comment and i'll see what i can do.

So today was pretty kickass, as far as the classes in china in chinese about chinese calligraphy go.

yep. we had class today with du laoshi, an artist of much talent and reknown. in addition to showing us his art book, he explained (via our bilingual teacher from hawaii) that he had done the calligraphy on all of the school's entry arches, banners, pamphlets, tshirts, whatnot.

he then lectured on how calligraphy is similar to tai chi, you must find the stillness within before you can create stillness without.

i have to admit, it was incredibly beautiful- not only the end product, but the theory and practice behind it. once the brushes came out and we had a go at it, my respect for the formidable art of calligraphy only grew.

in other words, yo, i'll stick to the abstract.

on a more utilitarian note, our teacher also let us know that if anyone wants scrolls he will do them personally for us, with whatever we want on them. So if any of you out there in reader/friend/stalker land would like a personalized scroll done by my beijing calligraphy professor, let me know and i'll let him know and get a price quoted. he quoted some out today and they were very much on the cheap side of the spectrum, considering he also gets them mounted. if any of you would like to get mounted, however, we'll have to discuss that on a person to person basis: i also reserve the right to refuse service. That is, of course, if we're talking about mounting and servicing. The scrolls i'll get for anyone :)

I know that a lot of you want pictures, and no worries, a camera is next on my list of things to buy. not that the camera that braddica gave me doesnt completely and utterly rock my dust covered socks, but i think i want a new one all for myself.

Now i'ma go eat my less than a dollar dinner. My tasty, tasty, filling filling less than a dollar dinner.


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