It is also the first day of my classes, which consist of a 3 hour language chunk in the morning and a 2 hour culture chunk (in english) in the afternoons. Not too bad.
So far so good as far as cultural interactions go. We've been here only a weekend and have already made friends with a group of extremely talented mongolian music students, been out to the pricey, europeantastic art district, and pranced the streets near our university. Lots of street food, cute clothes, dust and pollution. And all at cut rate, ghetto prices!
As of yet, i still have no camera and am thusly unable to supply you with sexy pictures of dirty, cheap beijing- and if beijing is anything, its dirty and cheap. So dirty and cheap, in fact, that it has made me dirtier and cheaper than i already was. [I know, who thought it possible? Surely, i assure you, not I.] Though on the plus side i do now shower daily, each day before crawling into bed :) In conjuction with that, my bathroom is a no-barrier-between-shower-and-rest-of-bathroom type deal. At first I wasnt so hot on flooding my bathroom with water everytime i showered, but now i dig on it. No worries about getting the floor wet or drip drip dripping on all my business. Also, le bathroom is configured in such a way that my mirror is directly across from my shower head, so i get to watch myself get hosed down. If my back wound and various nasty bruises didnt make me look so...battered, i'd enjoy it.
I bet that feature will make the dirty dirty just a little bit dirtier. blaow!
Also, i get hot water delivered every morning in this huge metal hot water holder/keeper-warm thing. Such a nice treat to have hot water for tea all day long. I feel very spoiled, and very european.
Not a whole lot on this one about beijing, but it will come my lovelies, it will come. :)
Tomorrow i'll be making my way to Beijing Vegan Social Club's biweekly vegan dinner. I have no idea how to get to the restaurant (it's in a different ring than i am in) and will attempt to take the subway system. Yes! I will most likely end up in some outer district, meet some more mongolians who will kidnap me, escape, and then make my way to southern china, doing espionage work for the german government.
Or, I'll just hop a cab. Either way, good times shall ensue.
Until next time, loves.

Taken by Rizbeth
Narita Airport
Land of the Rising Sun
1 comment:
Fro HO. hahaha.
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