Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This post comes to you from my insulated and well heated room, in the middle of a dark hutong in Beijing.

I'm sorry i haven't been posting too much of late, but ive been running around town trying to get work and trying not to freeze and trying not to be sick.

So far only one of those has been accomplished, and it's only been kind of sort of accomplished halfway. I've got a little work but not a whole lot- thats something that will hopefully change soon enough. I've definately frozen many times over, and only truly manage to defrost moments before i am forced to re-submerge myself in the icy outdoors that currently compromise all of northern china. as for the sicksies part, well, i'm not as sick as i could be! hurrah! i'm going to keep saying that until the day i get another kidney stone. to me that will hold as the epitome of horrid, horrid illness.

on the upside i'm having a swanky coat tailor made for me in a lovely dark, dark blue. it's going to come down past my knees and once i have it HOHO! look out world. Jessie just might be warm. All i need now are gloves, socks, and boots. Yahtzee!

So as much as i love you all and miss you, im going to lay down now and go to sleep so that i can work on eradicting the last of my jetlag and attempt to overcome my illness before it gets too nasty.


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