Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It snowed this morning. So much for spring, and warmth.

I've just gotten to work (at 2 in the afternoon), and am sitting in the dining room of my students house browsing the internet in blessed solitude. The rest of the entourage is still sleeping- from the devastation of clothing, accessories, paperwork and shoes that is currently reigning unchallenged in the rest of the apartment I can only assume that everyone was up until all hours packing. Today we're leaving for a 3 month stint in Shanghai. I can only imagine what a movie star needs to tide herself over for three months away from her walk-in closet and floor to ceiling makeup cabinet. I mean, i've seen the mammoth suitcase that harbors 2 week's worth of necessities and as such i shudder to consider the planning, sorting, and stuffing that comprises preparations for a 3 month sojourn. poor assitants.

anyway, what i'm really trying to get at, what i'd like to give you a glimpse of through the haze of my cyclical musings and convoluted syntax, is how nice some moments of my day are. walking into the apartment at 2 in the afternoon and finding not a bustling scene of assitants, secretaries, and cooks, but rather the thick cottony hush that falls over a space when bodies still within it. On a day like this I will usually walk to the kitchen, brew a mug of warm tea and curl up on the couch with my latest novel- today i'm trading that novel for the novelty and letting you all in on one of the mercifully peaceful moments that occaisionally, unexpectedly, grace my schedule.

So here I sit, the new atmosphere album in my ear buds and a glowing little monitor in my face. Below is what i'm listening to right right now. It reminds of the problems that riddle an alarmingly large percent of the population of the most prosperous nation on the planet. it's what i'm playing at the moment and if you want to play it too, you can.

love you guys

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