Friday, January 29, 2010

One Now, Some Sometimes'

I now spend all of my time in the kitchen, either cooking, cleaning, or sitting at our large drop down wooden ironing board writing.

Sometimes, when i lean over my computer looking for a particular song, i get distracted by 8tracks, proceed to check up on my messages, look at genderfork, remember in a sharp slap of memory which song i wanted and then (to avoid this lengthy process again) end up putting together a playlist- i then become so engrossed that i forget i'm in my kitchen leaning over a chair to look into the monitor. As i stand up and turn around, somehow i find myself thinking that because i've been so distracted all the dishes will be done. I am, thus far, always mistaken.

Sometimes when i drive around LA i feel like i'm in a videogame. This has become more frequent since they put out that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas video game.

Sometimes i wonder if anyone reads this, and if they do, what they (you?) glean from it.

Sometimes I listen to The Fugees.

Sometimes i listen to covers of Radiohead, which i try to locate to put into my blog, only to fail.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read i ponder i wish i could hug you ah the hug will come soon