Monday, March 16, 2009

Thanks, Risbet.

Thanks to Liz for the correction on last post.

It should indeed have been 'laid'.

I need to admit, though, that when i saw your (liz's) comment I was a little confused. For those of you who havent seen it, it says "Laid?". Upon reading it, i thought to myself 'well, isnt that a little forward of Liz. Odd. I mean, she always was a little quirky, but this level of forthrightness is unprecedented. Huh. Is that really what she means? Well I guess I could tell her. Huh.'

Then I got ready to go to the airport and put the odd comment out of my mind.

On the plane back to Beijing, returning to my curiousity and mulling over the comment, it struck me.

She was correcting my grammar.




Anonymous said...

OMG! hahaha! I can't believe you made a whole post about this but I'm really happy you did b/c it made me laugh and it brightened my day. ^_^

jenny aj said...

i think i'm going to have to convince tdaddy to let me come visit you.
